Feel like you’re not getting anywhere with your practice? HOW you practice is even more important than how often you do it. …
69 Articles in the Articles Category
“Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.” –Gloria Steinem…
As good, global citizens and to keep our singing communities healthy, here is some guidance we'd like to extend particularly to you as singing teachers…
The Alexander Technique
Interview with Marisa De Silva
As part of Health and Wellness week, we interviewed Marisa De Silva about the Alexander Technique and how it can support your students' vocals and overall wellness.…
In this blog series, we are meeting IVA teachers from around the world. We continue with Erika from Mexico…
Take your sick days
3 Why’s and 3 How’s
Self-employed vocal instructors have to work to make money. If we don’t work, we don’t get to simply “call in sick” and still get paid while we stay in bed with a bowl of chicken noodle soup.…
So you had a bad day
How to Bounce Back and Keep a Positive Mindset
There are days where things in the studio just don’t seem to go right, no matter what you do. We’ve got some advice for how to deal with a bad day…
Stress is a reality in every person’s life, and vocal instructors are no exception. A few red flags you might know . . . and a few you might not!…
Have you wondered how style affects vocal balance in the voice? Find out in today's blog post.…
Are you a voice teacher who has transgender students? IVA Master Teacher Kathy Kennedy has some top tips on how to teach effectively in a safe space…
IVA Director and Mentor Teacher, Andreas Grussl takes you through some ideas of work to do with your rock singers in the teaching studio.…
Recent Articles
Monthly Webinar: Singing in Co-Harmony
Join us for this exciting, live webinar!
We're excited to announce the next installment of our Monthly Webinar Series. Join us on Wednesday, November 20th from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. PT as Megan Durham teaches us about "Singing in Co-Harmony: An Introduction to Trauma-Informed Voice Care." Register…
Join us for our tour of Singapore, Japan, South Korea, and China!…
We are delighted to announce that after 5 years, IVACON is back in person! Our exclusive week-long conference is tailored for singing teachers just like you.…