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68 Articles in the Articles Category

Most students of singing want to learn how to sing. Teaching from the singers perspective can greatly increase the success of a teacher and enable their students to learn as quickly as is possible.…

Just the art of singing well is a lifetime study; but being a good teacher of singing requires an exponentially greater commitment to that of becoming a fine singer.…

IVA Certified Teacher Laurie Winckel shares her story of how she became a full-time voice teacher, both and highs and lows!…

IVA Certified Teacher Laura Duckworth shares her story of how she became a voice teacher…

Andreas Grussl answers a tweet on the topic of raspy voices, something that voice teachers can often encounter in their studios.…

Do you know what the benefits are of belonging to a certification program? Read on…

This gives you a good overview of who IVA is and what the program is about…

In today’s post, I’m going to continue with last week’s discussion on vowels, and discuss how we modify vowels as we approach the different passages of the voice.…

A key component in smoothing out the bridges of the voice, often forgotten, is the training of our minds to hear the vowel we want to sing very clearly…

IVA’s missions include Transparency and Education. This is what we stand for…

IVA has three key aspects of education, Vocal Pedagogy, Elective and Personal Development…

Recent Articles

Join us for our tour of Singapore, Japan, South Korea, and China!…

We are delighted to announce that after 5 years, IVACON is back in person! Our exclusive week-long conference is tailored for singing teachers just like you.…

Singing Teachers Summit

A free, online summit for music educators

As a worldwide leader in vocal education, we're excited to host a Singing Teachers Summit on January 20th and 21st, 2024. This free, online event features a fantastic lineup of guest lecturers to offer insight on a wide range of…