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69 Articles in the Articles Category

Can you use vocal fry to teach someone how to sing? Andreas Grussl has the answer to this question…

Master Teacher Spencer Welch has some great tips on teaching your singers to use the microphone effectively and some things to avoid too!…

SLP and Senior Voice Therapist Barbara F. Worth has some singer specific information on vocal nodules…

Four IVA Teachers pool their knowledge to help you out with becoming a voice teacher full time.  Check out their hot tips!…

Do you know what your students are doing when their voice breaks mid-scale? Chances are you can hear it, but do you know how to effectively address it?…

Do you understand why singers might be hoarse? Generally a gentle warm up with help to eliminate the hoarseness, unless there’s something else going on.…

The voice teaching industry is one that does not value youth over expertise. Do you have the knowledge and want to be a voice teacher? If the answer is yes, what's stopping you?…

Is vocal science the key to being a great voice teacher? It can help, but do you need to know your cricothyroid from your hyoid, or is cause-and-effect demonstration better?…

Do beginners need different lessons to professional singers? The answer is both yes and no! What they really need is an individualized approach…

IVA Master Teacher Spencer Welch reminds us that everyone can sing and that they just need a little encouragement and support to get going…

IVA Master Teacher Kathy Kennedy reminds us that good vocal technique is the basis to all styles of singing, and that most styles will require it…

Recent Articles

Monthly Webinar: Singing in Co-Harmony

Join us for this exciting, live webinar!

We're excited to announce the next installment of our Monthly Webinar Series. Join us on Wednesday, November 20th from 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. PT as Megan Durham teaches us about "Singing in Co-Harmony: An Introduction to Trauma-Informed Voice Care." Register…

Join us for our tour of Singapore, Japan, South Korea, and China!…

We are delighted to announce that after 5 years, IVACON is back in person! Our exclusive week-long conference is tailored for singing teachers just like you.…