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In today’s post, I’m going to continue with last week’s discussion on vowels, and discuss how we modify vowels as we approach the different passages of the voice.…

A key component in smoothing out the bridges of the voice, often forgotten, is the training of our minds to hear the vowel we want to sing very clearly…

Come and meet Tom, CFO/Director of Marketing and IVA Manager…

Come and meet Linda, IVA Founder and Master Teacher…

Come and meet Kathy, IVA Founder and Master Teacher…

Come and meet Andreas, Vice President and IVA Manager…

IVA’s missions include Transparency and Education. This is what we stand for…

Meet the founder, next in the series is Stephanie, IVA Founder and Master Teacher…

IVA has three key aspects of education, Vocal Pedagogy, Elective and Personal Development…

Following on from our last post about IVA Master Teachers, here are the other 4 Founding Members!…

A brief introduction to the five certification tiers of the IVA Program. Student Teacher all the way to Mentor level…