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Brandon Flowers, frontman of The Killers will be joining us for a class at IVACON 2015!…

Dan Reynolds, frontman of Imagine Dragons will be joining us for a class at IVACON 2015!…

Tom Jackson Productions will be delivering a class at IVACON 2015…

Scott McCoy, Professor of Voice Science and Pedagogy of OSU will be delivering a class at IVACON 2015…

Kenneth Bozeman, Frank C Shattuck Professor of Music of LUC will be delivering a class at IVACON 2015…

Barbara F. Worth BM MS CCC-SLP, Senior Voice Specialist will be delivering a class at IVACON 2015.…

Andreas Grussl answers a tweet on the topic of raspy voices, something that voice teachers can often encounter in their studios.…

Do you know what the benefits are of belonging to a certification program? Read on…

This gives you a good overview of who IVA is and what the program is about…

Jon and Chris Thornham of Flo Cycling will be delivering a class at IVACON 2015.…

Marisa De Silva will be delivering a class on the Alexander Technique at IVACON 2014.…