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Tom Jackson Productions, IVACON 2015 Guest Speaker

Tom Jackson Productions is well known for their work on the live shows of artists such as Taylor Swift, The Band Perry, Jars of Clay, and 100's of other major and indie artists.

Tom Jackson is a master at transforming an artist’s live show into a magical experience for the audience! Author of the book Live Music Method and the All Roads Lead to the Stage DVD series, Tom knows how to take what the artist is trying to communicate and help put it in a language the audience understands. Amy Wolter and Lang Bliss, Live Music Producers trained by Tom, have worked with signed and indie artists, effecting the live shows of performers in front of millions. They’ve worked with award winners such as Gloriana, Sidewalk Prophets, Francesca Battistelli, The Henningsons, and more.

“A major impact… true creative partners who help realize the artist’s full performance potential.” Matt Serletic, producer (Santana, Celine Dion, Aerosmith, Matchbox Twenty, Rob Thomas).

Website: http://www.OnstageSuccess.com

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