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Gracia Texidor Martos

🇪🇸 Spain

Gracia is a singer and songwriter, born and raised in Madrid (Spain)

She has studied fine arts, musical theatre and also guitar and percussion. Se works as a singer in her own project "Looping Greis", and as a singer/percussionist in "Tabarilea Percussion".

Gracia has experienced the benefits of IVA method in her own voice, and works as a voice teacher in a beautiful project in Madrid, (in which she has a lot of students) and She has experienced the benefits of this technique in many different voices.  Also, she has designed her own method of composition "the body as an instrument", based on singing, body percussion and beat box, and has made workshops in many music-schools and art centers. 

As an artist(composer), Gracia has received many awards and have toured many times, specially along Spain and some places in Europe. 

Gracia Texidor Martos
  • Certified Instructor

Provides In-Person Lessons

Provides On-Line Lessons