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Chris Johnson

Chris Johnson

Hi, I’m Chris Johnson and I’m a vocal coach.

Through my coaching work I’m pleased to say that major label artists, West End leads, backing vocalists, singer/songwriters and vocal coaches all put their trust in me to take good care of their instruments. 

I thoroughly enjoy the work I do with singing teachers all over the world through teachvoice.com. Through our course we help practising coaches to up-skill, navigate the overwhelming amount of pedagogical options, and develop their own coaching acumen to a high level. I have been invited to present my approach to voice and acoustics to the Pan American Vocology Association (PAVA), Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing (ANATS), Vocology In Practice, The Voice Study Centre and the British Voice Association (BVA).  In compliment to coaching, I have trained in laryngeal manual therapies and studied extensively with researchers in vocal acoustics, physical and somatic therapy, and laryngology. Through my popular podcast, The Naked Vocalist, I have also had the opportunity to connect and share with many progressive voice researchers and pedagogues. So far, we have had over 430,000 downloads (and counting!).