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Dani Lentini

After cultivating techniques as a singer, performer, and music educator, Dana Lentini created Born 2 Sing Kids to nurture the development of young singers through a systematic, yet customized approach. Through various forms of mentorship, she helps teachers learn about the unique differences in teaching singing to children and how to build their own successful studios. Dana has been sought after as a presenter for the National Association of Teachers of Singing and for universities and professional music organizations. Her consulting and courses on teaching children in the private studio are offered through her website at danalentini.com.

Dana's book, Teaching the Child Singer: Pediatric Pedagogy for Ages 5-13, is available from Hal Leonard Publishing. Her new and unique spiral approach to repertoire development can be found in her Kids’ Singing Songbook series, to be released by Hal Leonard in fall 2022.

Dani Lentini’s Website