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Meet the Founding Members: Andreas Grussl
Come and meet Andreas, Vice President and IVA Manager
How Do I Keep My Student’s Voices Healthy?
IVA Master Teacher Kathy Kennedy gives you some tips on how to help your students (and yourself) understand vocal health and hygiene.
Jon and Chris Thornham, IVACON Guest Speakers
Jon and Chris Thornham of Flo Cycling will be delivering a class at IVACON 2015.
Meet the Founding Members: Spencer Welch
In the start of our series, meet the Founding Members, today we feature Spencer Welch, Director of Education and IVA Master Teacher.
Scott McCoy, IVACON 2015 Guest Speaker
Scott McCoy, Professor of Voice Science and Pedagogy of OSU will be delivering a class at IVACON 2015
Meet the Founding Members: Stephanie Born Krüger
Meet the founder, next in the series is Stephanie, IVA Founder and Master Teacher
Sam Smith – Vocal Feedback from an IVA Master Teacher
IVA Master Teacher Linda Tomkinson assesses Sam Smith's acoustic version of Latch and tells us what she’d do with him if he was a singer in her studio.
Two of the Missions of IVA
IVA’s missions include Transparency and Education. This is what we stand for
Laura Duckworth: IVA Teacher Story
IVA Certified Teacher Laura Duckworth shares her story of how she became a voice teacher
2014 Was A Great Year for IVA!
A roundup of 2014 for IVA