Jade Lee
🇨🇳 China
李婕,一位游走在复古与现代爵士乐中的爵士歌者,曾赴英国皇家威尔士音乐与戏剧学院深造爵士演唱,成为第一个考入该校的中国爵士女歌手,并取得奖学金,以优异的成绩获得爵士硕士学位。深造期间师从爵士名伶Tina May, Brigitte Beraha,著名爵士教育家Paula Gardener,以及ECM签约爵士钢琴家Huw Warren。在英国,李婕参加过的爵士演出遍布卡迪夫,斯旺西,北威尔士的爵士俱乐部和剧院,还有Brecon Jazz Festival爵士音乐节等,和许多著名的爵士音乐家合作过。
海归后的李婕常驻上海,经常被邀请在中国最知名的爵士酒吧之一JZ Club,,Heyday,廊吧等爵士酒吧演出,除此之外她还参与了许多爵士音乐节的表演,如JZ Festival 2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019年爵士上海音乐节表演嘉宾,2015爵士广州音乐节,2015武汉国际爵士音乐节,2016,2017爵士厦门音乐节,2019深圳大湾区国际爵士音乐节等等。并且在爵士上海音乐节上与Dee Dee Bridgewater, Victor Wooten等格莱美获奖的爵士巨星同台合作。
2019年的6月底李婕发行了她的爵士专辑“Will You Remember Me?”, 乐迷们喜悦地感叹到,期待已久的国内顶级爵士人声的爵士宝宝终于诞生了。在这张专辑里能够听到李婕细腻的情感处理和优雅而独特的神秘气质,经典而又丰富有层次感的演绎。这位游走于复古与现代爵士乐的表演者,舞台表演风格也是多变的,她有着十几年的专业舞蹈训练和音乐剧表演经验,对于现场表演的把控能力令人折服,这些过人的才能,在以她作为主唱的阿雷克狂欢者乐的表演中有完美体现。2019年的夏天李婕参与录制了他们的摇摆爵士专辑,她擅长的复古与现代结合的爵士风格在这张专辑里有出色的发挥。2021年1月28发布了全新单曲“空白地图”,国内外平台上线。
除了表演之外,李婕也是一位音乐教师,教学内容包含了Jazz演唱,R&B, Soul, Pop演唱,即兴演唱,视唱练耳以及爵士和声与音乐史。自2014年以来,每年都有多位学生考入美国伯克利音乐学院,美国北德克萨斯大学爵士系,美国新英格兰音乐学院,美国欧柏林音乐学院,美国新学院,美国洛杉矶音乐学院,美国皮博迪音乐学院以及美国MI流行音乐学院和美国长岛大学。
2021 新单曲"Blank Map“(空白地图)各平台均可收听,欢迎收听&收藏评论!
Jade Lee, is a professional Jazz Musician and music educator in China. Born in Guangdong, China, Jade Lee started learning piano and dance from a young age. She then spent 4 years studying popular music and musical theatre at the Xinghai Conservatory of Music. Jade continued her training at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama on a scholarship, becoming the first female Chinese jazz vocalist admitted to the College. Jade graduated in the summer of 2014, gaining a masters degree in jazz vocal.
Jade’s teachers and mentors, whilst in the UK, included Jazz Vocalist Tina May, Jazz vocal educator Nia Lynn, Contemporary jazz singer Brigitte Beraha and ECM signed jazz pianist Huw Warren and also, the distinguished British jazz educator and bassist Paula Gardiner.
Jade is quickly establishing herself as one of China's finest vocalists. She performed at the JZ Festival 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, JZ Club, Heyday Jazz Bar, and other music festivals.
Jade Lee is also a music educator, and has been teaching for more than 10 years. Apart from teaching private music lessons, she currently teaches at JZ School Shanghai China, as a vocal coach and ear training teacher. Jade helped her students to prepared for colleges, since 2014, and many of her students recieved offers from Berklee, NEC, Oberlin, Peabody, UNT, New School, MI, LIU and others. She helps many Chinese singers to improve not only their performance, but also their ability of understanding and musicianship.
Now Jade is an IVA Instructor III teacher, she is applying for IVA Vocal Technique to help her students towards a balanced singing voice.
2021 new single "Blank Map“(空白地图):
Live performance at JZ Club Shanghai : https://v.qq.com/x/page/n0614qm2ewu.html
网易云音乐搜索:李婕 (欢迎关注及评论)
语言Languages:英语English/ 普通话Mandarin/ 粤语Cantonese
邮箱Email: jadeleemusic@qq.com
授课方式:线上(Skype), 腾讯会议 / 线下面授:上海/苏州太仓
欢迎咨询 Please get in touch!
- Instructor III
Provides In-Person Lessons
Provides On-Line Lessons