Maggie Rogers was just a college student when she first met Pharrell Williams at the Clive Davis Institute of Recorded Music at NYU. They were asked to prepare a song and bring it to class to be critiqued. She had no…
Who doesn’t love a massage? It’s a nice thing to do for ourselves every once in a while, but have you ever thought about how it can be a real part of caring for the health of your voice?…
Your voice is a highly complex instrument requiring many different parts of your body to work together with precision. In order to give you an idea of how the voice works, it helps to simplify things a bit.…
For singers looking to incorporate more dynamic and stylistic choices in their higher range, it’s helpful to understand how these two terms are both similar and different from each other.…
Think of your voice like a three-legged stool: If one of those three legs is shorter than the others—or, worse yet, is missing!—you will have a difficult time sitting on that stool . . . that is, if it even…
We sometimes think of making progress as a slow and steady climb. If we’re working hard consistently, then surely we should be reaping rewards on a similarly consistent basis.…
They say it takes 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery of a skill. But 10,000 hours of unfocused, unproductive, and unintentional practice is not the path to mastery—it’s the road to mediocrity.…
Recording the Music of the Stars Imagine a job where you’re asked to sing backup vocal for Lady Gaga, record songs for Disney, or perform as a singing penguin — sometimes the day before recording begins. This week’s guest Gerald White…
Institute of Vocal Advancement’s 10th Anniversary - The Vocal Advancement Podcast - #014
Where We’ve Been… And Where We’re Going
Institute of Vocal Advancement’s 10th Anniversary Where We’ve Been… And Where We’re Going Happy Birthday! Can you believe it’s been ten years since we began the Institute of Vocal Advancement? In that time, we’ve had the opportunity to connect with teachers, performers, and…
Getting to Know Jenevora Williams - The Vocal Advancement Podcast - #013
The Impact of Mental Health on Voice
Jenevora Williams The Impact of Mental Health on Voice Sometimes, all you need to take your life in an innovative direction is the right questions. This week’s guest, Dr. Jenevora Williams, became a specialist in the field of singer vocal health by…
Feel like you’re not getting anywhere with your practice? HOW you practice is even more important than how often you do it. …